Nicki Minaj amejikuta katika wakati mgumu baada ya kuachia song “Lookin Ass Ni**a.”. The Young Money rapper amejikuta katika matatizo baada ya kutumia picha ya Malcolm X katika kava la singo yake hiyo.Rappa huyo amejikuta akishambuliwa na wadau wengi kupitia mitandao ya kijamii ya Twitter
na Instagram na wengine kufikia kumwambia ''hatujawahi kuona mtu mweusi akimvunjia heshima aliyekuwa mtetea haki na usawa wa watu weusi" “I’ve never in my life seen a black artist
openly disrespect Malcolm x like nicki minaj just did.
Nicki ameomba radhi kupitia Instagram na kusema hakumaanisha kumvunjia heshima Malcolm X na kava hilo siyo rasmi.
“Lookin Ass Ni**a” itapatika katika albamu ya Nicki The Pink Print na katika compilation ya Young Money, Rise of an Empire.
Soma hapo chini maelezo ya kuomba msamaha ya Nicki .
“What seems to be the issue now? Do you have a problem with me referring to the people Malcolm X was ready to pull his gun out on as Lookin Ass Niggaz? Well, I apologize. That was never the official artwork nor is this an official single. This is a conversation. Not a single. I am in the video shooting at Lookin Ass Niggaz and there happened to be an iconic photo of Malcolm X ready to do the same thing for what he believed in!!!! It is in no way to undermine his efforts and legacy. I apologize to the Malcolm X estate if the meaning of the photo was misconstrued. The word ‘nigga’ causes so much debate in our community while the ‘nigga’ behavior gets praised and worship. Let’s not. Apologies again to his family. I have nothing but respect an adoration for u. The photo was removed hours ago. Thank you.

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