Will Smith r revealed he and his wife sorted out their marital problems by attending couples theraphy together.
Will Smith has just revealed he and his wife actress, Jada Pinkett Smith, have had marriage counselling to save their relationship.
He told The Sun, "I've done a lot of marriage counselling. What happens in a marriage once you do counselling, the truth comes out. And you sit across from your wife and you've said all of your truth and she has said all of her truth.
look at each other and you can't imagine you could ever possibly love
each other again now the truth is out. It creates a dark moment. But for
me it's the dark before the dawn.
the truth comes out and people have to say who they are and what they
think, you get to know who they are. I think that's the cleansing before
you get to the other side that is understanding and moving forward in
our relationship."
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